
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

[BREAKING: Big Mac coming to Mongolia with first McDonald's restaurant opening in UB on Jan. 1, says]

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BREAKING: Tuesday, December 10, 2013

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Mogi: says here that McDonald's restaurant will open on January 1st, near Chinggis Square (formerly the Sukhbaatar Square) with specially created menus for Mongolian consumers, like "McMutton" burgers and goat milk shakes. On the opening day the restaurant will offer McMutton burgers free for 10 hours. Wholesome Foods Mongolia is the company that is "representing" McDonald's in Mongolia.

"McDonalds" Монголд ирнэ

12-р сарын 10 ( Тун удахгүй монголчууд алдарт Биг Мак сэндвич болон Монгол хэрэглэгчдийн хоолны зуршилд тусгайлан зориулсан онцгой хоолны цэс болох McMutton гамбургерийг ямааны сүүгээр хийсэн шейктэй амтархан зооглох боломжтой болох нь. Тус рестораны сүлжээ өмнө нь Монголд салбараа нээхгүй байсан шалтгаанаа хүн амын нягтаршилтай холбон тайлбарлаж байсан юм. 

Өнөөдөр Улаанбаатар хот 1.3 сая хүн амтай болж, олон улсын брэндүүд манай хотод салбараа нээсэн нь Макдоналдсын Азийн салбарууд хариуцсан захирал Пи Ранкын анхааралд өртжээ. Эхний ресторан Чингисийн талбайн ойролцоо ирэх нэгдүгээр сарын 1-нд нээлтээ хийх бөгөөд нээлтийн өдөр бүтэн арван цагийн турш үйлчлүүлэгчид McMutton бургерийг үнэ төлбөргүй амтлах боломжтой аж. McDonalds сүлжээ рестораныг Монголд "Wholesome Foods Mongolia" компани төлөөлөх эрхтэй юм байна.

Эх сурвалж


Mogi: McDonald's website lists Mongolia as with no set date for a restaurant development and that is "seeking" a franchisee:

McDonald's International Franchising: Mongolia

We have not set a firm date for the development of McDonald's restaurants inMongolia. In the future we may take steps to open McDonald's restaurants inMongolia and if we seek a franchisee to represent us the person will have the following characteristics.

High integrity, business experience in the market, history of success, ability to work well with a franchisor, ability to complete a training program that can take about nine months, willingness to devote full time to the McDonald's restaurant business, retail experience, knowledge of the real estate market, significant capital.

If you would like to complete an application please click on the link below and submit it to us. We will retain all information sent to us in a database and give you consideration if we take steps to develop McDonald's restaurants in Mongolia.

We sincerely appreciate your expressed interest in our company and patronage of our restaurants.

Click here to apply for a franchise in Mongolia or select a different country in the selection box below.

Link to page



Munkhdul Badral Bontoi

Founder & CEO


Mobile: +976 9999 6779

Skype: mogibb

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